airbnb racial equity auditairbnb racial equity audit
(go back), 85See Amazon No-Action Letter, supra note 83. Then at the end of 2018, Airbnb sought to further mitigate bias by developing a policy that hides Airbnb guest profile photos until after the booking is accepted. [61], Pursuant to Rule 14a-8, shareholders may submit proposals to be included in a companys proxy materials for its annual or special meetings of shareholders. (go back), 115See, e.g., Bias, disrespect, and demotions: Black employees say Amazon has a race problem, Vox:Recode, Jason Del Rey, February 26, 2021, available at; Black Amazon manager sues the e-commerce giant, accusing it of race and gender discrimination, Washington Post, Jay Greene, March 1, 2021, available at; Five women sue Amazon, accusing e-retailer of race and gender discrimination and retaliation, Washington Post, Jay Greene, May 19, 2021, available at Racial Equity Audits can focus on various aspects of a companys business, including the treatment of customers at a companys physical locations, the diversity of senior management, the targeting of products, and even political contributions. [24] However, many advocates believe that without objective means to identify areas of improvement and monitor companies progress, these commitments may be illusory and confirmation that these companies have in fact met their commitments could be difficult. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. [127], According to SEIU, BlackRock decided that the SEIU proposal is too important to wait until they are voted on at their shareholder meetings [128] and announced its plans to voluntarily conduct an independent racial audit of its operations. Silicon Valley has a long way to go to constructively engage with civil rights groups by proactively, not reactively, seeking out our expertise to build platforms that serve Black people instead of harming us. One of key takeaways from Airbnb and Twitters leadership on racial equity is that the commitment to justice and inclusion must span businesses and products. What that means for tech companies more broadly is that inclusion must be embedded in every fabric of the organization. Some concrete examples, offered Brand, are pay equity, supplier diversity, and employee resource groups. And even they are far from perfect. In June 2020, Scharf defended his early choices, arguing that the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of Black talent to recruit from with this specific experience.. (go back), 54Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. [40] As illustrated in the study, companies with the highest degrees of ethnic/cultural diversity were 33% more likely to outperform their less diverse peers and companies with the most ethnically/culturally diverse boards of directors are 43% more likely to experience higher profits than their less diverse peers. (go back), 117See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. Specifically, SEIU stated that Goldman underwrites municipal bonds whose proceeds pay police brutality settlements. [35] Similarly, Trillium, on behalf of Christopher and Anne Ellinger, submitted a Racial Equity Audit proposal that was included in Johnson & Johnsons proxy statement for its 2021 annual meeting of shareholders, in which Trillium expressed concerns with claims that the company continues to market its talc-based baby powder to Black and Brown women after its talc supplier included the WHOs possibly carcinogenic label on shipments. [36] Proponents of Racial Equity Audits argue that a reassessment of internal policies and practices via such audits can identify the right levers to pull to begin to shrink these racial divides. Second, whether any changes to existing programs or new measures or initiatives, would help a company become more equitable and inclusive. To start off the 2022 proxy season, the civil rights audit shareholder proposal at Apple, Inc. received support from 54 percent of shares voted, while at government services company Maximus, holders of 64 percent of shares voted in favor in early March. The . (go back), 131BlackRock pledges to conduct a racial audit of its business, Fortune, Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez, April 6, 2021, available at Wenah herself has been working on this project for many years. Shareholder Proposal of CtW Investment Group Securities Exchange Act of 1934Rule 14a-8, Gibson Dunn, January 25, 2021, available at [hereinafter Amazon No-Action Letter]; J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. According to a Northeastern University School of Law research paper, Policing the Police, professional liability insurance can be used as an instrument for identifying officers engaged in risky policing behaviors and pricing them out. [12] Governance has long been a key focus of shareholder activists as corporate governance best practices, including accountability of a companys board of directors to its shareholders, robust disclosure on executive compensation and independence of a board of directors from management, have been found to have a readily apparent correlation with increased returns to shareholders. According to public policy analysts, racial violence and the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposals focused on racial justice. The good news is that some tech companies have been promoting racial equity and justice long before these latest protests and the tragedies that inspired them. We saw this occur in California with Senate Bill 826 and Assembly Bill 979 discussed in further detail above. In doing so, these companies have argued that they have already taken measures to address racial justice, such as investing in Black entrepreneurs, expanding credit and working to boost diversity within their ranks. [75]. In light of the anticipated increase in the number of Racial Equity Audit proposals in the coming proxy seasons, we may see a corresponding rise in the number of companies that follow BlackRocks lead and voluntarily conduct their own Racial Equity Audits. Shareholder proposals come from a variety of proponents, including individual investors, labor unions, public pension funds, shareholder activists and institutional investors and such proposals often focus on the environment, corporate governance, executive compensation and social issues. After a notice period, the data analysis will begin. In August 2021, a National Labor Relations Board hearing officers report on a union election there found that the company committed multiple violations of employees rights. [58] The audit produced three reports, which ultimately described how Facebook utilized the audit process to listen, plan and deliver on various consequential changes that will help advance the civil rights of its users in a number of categories and also recommended implementation of specific action items, including to (1) continue to onboard expertise, (2) build out the civil rights leaders team, (3) expand civil rights product review processes, (4) require civil rights perspectives in escalation of key content decisions and (5) prioritize civil rights. [59] The thoroughness of the audit and the response and subsequent actions taken by the company have led to the Facebook audit being heralded by many as a big success. Using Racial Equity Audits, a company is given a comprehensive report on their standing regarding how they uphold said regulations. In 2016, this team launched the Airbnb Community Commitment, a prompt that asks Airbnb users to treat all people on the platform with respect, and without judgment or bias. Only those who accepted the commitment were allowed to continue using Airbnb. (go back), 128SEIU and Change to Wins investment funds pushing for racial diversity in financial institutions, available at [90], Under Rule 14a-8(i)(3), a shareholder proposal may be excluded from a companys proxy materials if the proposal or the supporting statement accompanying the proposal is contrary to any of the federal proxy rules, including Rule 14a-9, which prohibits a company from disclosing materially false or misleading statements in its proxy materials. BlackRock has 'broken ranks' with Wall Street by conducting a racial equity audit in the financial world, and Citigroup and Morgan Stanley have now followed suit, despite initially urging shareholders to reject the audit proposals. [41] A study by a Citigroup, Inc. (Citi) global economist found that addressing racial disparities can have even broader macro benefits. (go back), 96See e.g., Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35 (We share the proponents focus on advancing racial equity.); Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69 (While we disagree with the overall approach in this Proposal, we are completely aligned with its stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector.); see also Lawmakers debate bill mandating racial equity audits at firms, The Hill, Abigail Goldberg-Zelizer, June 30, 2021, available at; Shareholders want to hold corporate giants accountable for their commitments to racial equity and justice. He agreed and was personally concerned that there was an unacceptable lack of urgency around Airbnb's previous attempts to address allegations of racial bias within the Airbnb community, and vowed that such unconsciousness would not 2023 366 Technology. And lastly, whether a company has sufficient mechanisms in place to monitor effectiveness. AI could help you next time. Also speaking at sf.citis Scaling Social Impact event, she said: in an ideal world, if we were all showing up and doing [diversity and inclusion] work the right way, my role wouldnt exist. So much of feeling included, she continued, is about individual connections. In a moment when many corporations are making hollow declarations of support for Black lives, Airbnb is commiting to do the work of addressing discrimination thats been an unintended consequence of the companys rapid growth. (go back), 75Goldman, Citi Stave Off Investor Calls for Racial Audits (1), Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan and Jeff Green, April 29, 2021, available at The audit featured three reports and extensive interviews with hundreds of civil rights organizations and . (go back), 142SEC Approves Nasdaqs New Listing Rules Designed to Advance Greater Boardroom Diversity, Elizabeth Gonzalez-Sussman and Ron Berenblat, August 2021, available at Shareholders and racial justice advocates have coalesced around racial equity audits as a mechanism for uncovering and addressing the racist harm perpetrated by corporations internally and externally. (go back), 82See Final Rule: Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Release No. [11], ESG considerations are becoming increasingly relevant to shareholder activists. Corp. Code 301.3, 301.4. No major proxy advisory firm has issued official voting guidance on the implementation of Racial Equity Auditsand the two largest advisory firms, ISS and Glass Lewis, have been split on their support for shareholder proposals requesting such audits. (go back), 73As You Sow: Racial Justice, available at Racial Equity Audits are the practice of independently reviewing an organisation's policies and ascertaining how well they encourage and promote inclusion, diversity, and racial equality. (go back), 126BlackRock Audit Proposal, available at Airbnb and Facebook have also completed racial equity audits in recent times. A National Labor Relations Board complaint alleged that the company enforced its dress code selectively and disparately against workers that displayed the slogan and engaged in other related protected concerted activities.. [115] The companys environmental impact has also been called out for allegedly disproportionately affecting minority communities. We anticipate greater interest in Racial Equity Audits and similar initiatives in the upcoming proxy season and accordingly believe companies will be pushed to critically and objectively examine their current internal practices and policies relating to equity and inclusion to identify areas in need of improvement. Restoration: The Role Stakeholder Governance Must Play in Recreating a Fair and Sustainable American EconomyA Reply to Professor Rock,,,,, At a time when we cannot rely on government alone to further social justice goals, unusual allies become more important than ever. Report this profile Report Report. It will not happen overnight. Civil rights advocates notched a victory this week by securing a commitment from e-commerce giant Amazon to conduct a racial equity audit, a step they say is crucial toward ensuring that. (go back), 94CoreCivic, Inc., Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 18, 2021, available at In partnership with Color Of Change and with guidance from civil rights and privacy rights organizations, Airbnb is launching Project Lighthouse, a groundbreaking effort by a consumer tech company to collect the data needed to measure and evaluate discrimination on its platform in the US so it can take additional action against it. [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. These audits are conducted to analyze the effectiveness of diversity, equity and inclusion programs, the impacts of technology and products on racial minorities in communities and companies and the treatment of customers, and other civil rights and racial equity issues. (go back),, Inc., Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on April 15, 2021, available at [hereinafter Amazon Proxy Statement]. [109], Amazon argued the proposals call to review its impact on civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion is a broad survey on the impact of the Companys policies, practices, products and services on societal issues, which implicates routine business issues, such as the products and services that the Company offers to its customers, the Companys business practices and operations, the Companys strategic decisions, and the Companys choice of technologies. [110] Similarly, according to Amazon, such an audit would necessarily implicate[] a multitude of ordinary business matters relating to the Companys day-to-day operations, which Amazon argued included decisions relating to, among other things, its charitable donations, hiring decisions, diversity and recruitment initiatives, customer relations, advertising, public relations and communications with its shareholders and the kinds of products it sold. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. On a more ongoing basis, Brands Inclusion and Diversity team facilitates discussions with the companys nine business resource groups, which represent various communities within Twitter. Companies Sought No-Action Relief. (go back), 5ESG Matters (Part II), ISS EVA, Dr. G. Kevin Spellman and David O. Nicholas, May 18, 2021, available at Some studies have shown that promoting racial justice can increase profitability and competitive advantage. [39] A study by McKinsey & Company found that implementing or improving racial justice policies can positively affect a companys bottom line. SEC interpretations of this rule provide that proposals that concern ordinary business matters but focus on significant social policy issues would not be excludable because the proposals would transcend the day-to-day business matters. [82] In seeking to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals, companies argued that these audits concerned day-to-day aspects of their ordinary business operations, including: (i) product sales and advertising; [83] (ii) customer relationships; [84] (iii) the nature of the companys public relations, messaging, and communications with its shareholders and other constituents; [85] (iv) workforce management; [86] (v) relationships with suppliers; [87] (vi) community impacts; [88] or (vii) decisions regarding the products and services [the company] offers. [89] Furthermore, these companies contended that the proposals did not focus on a significant policy issue that transcended their ordinary business. The Staff has stated that substantial implementation under the rule does not require the company to have implemented the proposal in full or exactly as proposed by the shareholder. S7-25-97, available at (citing Reebok Intl Ltd. (Mar. [136] As the general publics views evolve on ESG issues, public pressure for certain actionsin this case, increased diversity in public boardroomsoften influence not just shareholder advocacy but legislative action. Some, including Starbucks, Facebook and AirBnB, have already commissioned racial equity audits. Clear guidance from proxy advisory firms would also be beneficial to companies considering implementing Racial Equity Audit policies by offering indications on what parameters constitute best practices and how frequently these audits should occur. Citigroup Inc. (Citi), Wanted "no action" relief of the Securities and Exchange Commission to exclude the requests from its 2021 proxy statements, a request which was denied. In addition to our ongoing diversity and anti-discrimination efforts, as we grapple with the effects of COVID-19, now more than ever we need to be a platform for economic empowerment that can help hosts, including Black residents, keep their homes and avoid displacement from their communities.. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a company's policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. [112], In a webinar hosted by CtW, Comptroller DiNapoli explained the importance of racial equity at Amazon and why shareholders should vote in favor of the proposal, and argued that racial inequity is harming the United States economy. [113] DiNapoli argued that the pattern and magnitude of issues repeatedly facing the company demonstrate a need for a more in-depth review . At the higher end, proxy advisory firms may offer official guidelines on what they believe are minimum actions a company should take with respect to Racial Equity Audits in order to receive the advisors support. This project was designed with guidance from data privacy experts and advocates, including the Center for Democracy & Technology, Dr. Latanya Sweeney and The Data Privacy Lab at Harvard, and Upturn. (go back), 119See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. [32] For example, following the voluntary Racial Equity Audit conducted by Starbucks after the 2018 incident discussed above, the company began requiring implicit bias training for employees, setting public corporate diversity goals and implementing a number of other social initiatives. In an attempt to re-educate tech workers about racism, Twitter is looking to integrate targeted anti-racism training into its curriculum. By offering such guidance, companies may find it easier to voluntarily implement Racial Equity Audit policies. (go back), 20Proxy Voting Guidelines Benchmark Policy Recommendations, ISS, effective for meetings on or after February 1, 2021, available at Id. As the ESG movement gains momentum, and as the new wave of investors who factor ESG concerns into their investment decisions gain a larger share of the market, companies are being advised to revisit their current policies and practices under the ESG lens. And the same study found that white Airbnb hosts in Black neighborhoods earned an estimated $160 million, compared to only $48 million earned by Black hosts. [57] The aspects of Facebook that the audit focused on were informed by the aforementioned interviews, which led to a holistic review of the entire company and not just a single aspect such as employment practices. On July 28, 2021, ISS launched its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey, which included requests for feedback on Racial Equity Audits. There are three essential features of an effective racial equity audit: The audit should be independent, and conducted by a firm with civil rights expertise; There must be robust stakeholder engagement to uncover issues across a company's products and services, workforce practices, and corporate policies; and. [95], Companies Recommended Voting Against Racial Equity Audit Proposals. (go back), 25Remarks by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli at SEIU Capital Stewardship Program and CtW Investment Group Webinar Entitled Racial Equity Audits: A Critical Tool for Shareholders, NYS Comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, April 13, 2021, available at called upon to navigate the challenges presented by climate change, racial injustice, economic inequality, and numerous other issues that are fundamental to the success and sustainability of companies, financial markets, and our economy. [72] After the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, 66% of S&P 500 companies posted statements on their websites or social media accounts, 36% made financial contributions to racial justice organizations and 14% stated in their communications that Black Lives Matter. [73] While it has been observed that these companies were quick to issue statements supporting Black Lives Matter and promis[ed] to do more to be responsive to non-white consumers, employees and communities, [74] most companies on the receiving end of a Rule 14a-8 proposal to implement a Racial Equity Audit have actively resisted such proposal by seeking no-action relief from the SEC to exclude the proposal from their 2021 proxy statements, negotiating with proponents to withdraw their proposals, and, when the company had been unsuccessful with the foregoing, recommending that shareholders vote against the proposals. [17], Improved ESG criteria is not a new area for activist investors.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [69], Proponents contend that Racial Equity Audits would help public companies identify, prioritize, remedy and avoid adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color [70] and would help a companys board of directors assess such companys behavior through a racial equity lens in order to obtain a complete picture of how it contributes to, and could help dismantle, systemic racism. [71]. Patagonias environmental mission hasnt just been good for the planet its also boosted the bottom line, Business Insider, Richard Feloni, December 21, 2018, available at For many, the scrutiny is welcome. The audit was led by Laura W. Murphy, a civil rights advocate, with help from a civil rights law firm. In general, Racial Equity Audit proposals ask the board of directors of a company to oversee such audits analyzing the companys business modelsfrom policies to products and servicesto determine whether they cause, reinforce or perpetuate discrimination. [67]. Racial Equity Audits and similar equity and inclusion initiatives that are not robust or designed with the aid of independent third party consultants may risk being perceived as mere window dressing and invite criticism from shareholders. (go back), 129BlackRock Breaks Wall Street Ranks With Planned Racial Audit (1), Bloomberg Tax, Saijel Kishan, April 5, 2021, available at [51], Practitioners also believe that the audit process can be important for companies as a way to build trust with their stakeholders. In particular, shareholders have begun to request that companies conduct racial equity audits (Racial Equity Audits), which generally seek an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. To a racial Equity Audits in recent times the pattern and magnitude of issues repeatedly facing company. Policy analysts, racial violence and the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in Rule 14a-8 proposals... And the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposals focused on racial Equity Audits commissioned. Launched its Annual Benchmark policy Survey, which included requests for feedback racial! Than ever justice, available at https: // this occur in California with Senate Bill 826 Assembly... 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